The Staff

Well what have we here?, (Me)atloaf and Marky (I'm not wearing makeup) ready to go out on a gig!
Actually my lighting engineer and
repair guru he's a general all round good guy and I would'nt be without him…….respect mate!

Head of security Thor who looks after all the gear day and especially night!

Go ahead make his day, you won't see him coming in the dark!!!!

The boss, my beloved wife Marian who refuses to have her photo on the site, but who has stuck by me through all the good times and bad. Answers the phone, takes bookings and also liases with local retailers and companies regarding equipment, not to mention organising the Quiz nights, snowball questions etc. I love you babe…….thanks. X

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To contact us:

Phone: 01375-851290
Mobile: 0860-797387

E Mail